Garden Maintenance This Winter

Looking after your garden is an all year-round job and this requires a little hard work from you. We’re assuming you have artificial grass installed so your maintenance of the lawn itself shouldn’t be too arduous. You will no doubt have been enjoying the beauty of artificial grass since it was installed, and the lush tidy appearance you get all year round. 

Regular care of your artificial grass lawn will give you less work in the spring.

So therefore, with artificial grass a regular sweep of the lawn itself is all that’s required, that and picking up any rubbish or debris that’s blown in from other people’s gardens. Keep the lawn tidy in this way at regular intervals and come spring there’ll be less to do, and the blades won’t have been flattened down by layers of leaves and rubbish. 


Winter maintenance of your garden fencing should consist of spotting and repairing any minor repairs. This could be anything from damaged, decaying posts or pickets, nails that are sticking out and by keeping up with repairs now, there’ll be less to do next year. Waterproof your fence so when the rains are in full swing, your fence won’t absorb all that moisture from the snow, frost and rain. Use a good quality waterproof stain, sealer or paint. 

Clearing debris and leaves from your fencing and removing overhanging branches.

Clear any leaves and debris which can trap moisture on your fence and cause premature rot. Remove any branches that are hanging over you fences because if there’s strong winds, they could come crashing down on your fencing and damage it which could result in costly repairs. 

Winter maintenance of your garden decking.

At the end of the summer you should have applied wood stain to protect your decking. Prior to this there should be a good clean and then a sweep with a simple brush, followed by the use of a decking maintenance cleaner which is designed to kill off any moss, mould or algae that forms over the summer. If you have haven’t done any of this, then perhaps you should do it now and apply the wood stain next year. Making sure it’s clean and devoid of mess should give you less to do in the warmer months.

If you apply a stain at the end of the summer after you’ve spent the winter making sure it’s clean, you’ll be well prepared for next winter. Water damage can really hurt your decking so it pays to prepare in advance, if you’ve already done this at the end of summer, August or early September then your decking will only need cleaning throughout the winter. 

Lothian Decking and Fencing – for quality garden decking and artificial grass installation.

If you’re yet to have artificial grass installed and it’s on your list of things to do, get in touch, we’re keen on installation at this time of year because it’s less hectic for us and we can come sooner than in the summer time when we’re busier. Garden decking need staining? If you’re not keen on doing that yourself let us do it. And if you’re thinking of replacing it or having it installed for the first time, we’re the people for the job. That applies to fencing too, a professional no fuss job. Give us a call today!