Garden Tips This Summer

This week we’re looking at some gardening tips for your garden this summer. There’s still time and by getting it done now you’ll be able to spend most of the school summer holidays with your kids. This is better than spending it digging and gardening when you could be enjoying the time you have with them before they return to school in the summer.

Firstly, take care of any budding plants you may have.

Water and then mulch your plants twice a week during hot weather so the plants don’t dry out. If you don’t do something about it your flowers could lose their flowers and petals in the heat. Help the pots to stay nice and cool. They can overheat in the sun so again, mulch and then place them somewhere out of the sun. Stand them in saucers that are preferably filled with moist sand instead of water as this can encourage the roots to rot.


To help avoid them apply mulch and hoe them weekly when the surface is dry and on hot sunny days. You can also fertilise your garden in summer, ask a gardening expert at your local store, this will give added nutrients to your flowers and plants.

Summer vegetables.

You can plant vegetables in the warmer months such as beans, peppers, celery, squash and courgettes, the long nights and warm soil will help them grow during the summer months.

Artificial grass – a great alternative to a natural lawn.

In summer you might also consider artificial turf. The reasons for this is that it’s so low maintenance, you won’t have to tend to it as you would with natural grass and you won’t need to use a mower or buy chemicals to get rid of any insects or weeds, so you’ll save money after an initial investment.

Fencing – always make sure you tend to yours so its look good in summer.

Carry out any repairs and go over your garden fence with a lick of paint, you’ll increase your privacy and it’s going to give a fresh look to your garden, and it’ll look incredibly stylish.

Decking – A platform for social events or relaxing in isolation.

By installing decking you’ll be creating a beautiful platform where you can see the landscape and enjoy the views while entertaining friends. You can also go outside and enjoy the hard work you’ve carried out on your garden all summer with friends and family.

Lothian Decking & Fencing for the best in garden maintenance.

If you need any help with artificial grass, especially if you’re considering having it installed, we can advise you. We’ve had years of experience in this area, we’re trained to install it and we can help guide you on the right type of fake grass for you. We can also help with picking new garden fencing or help with repairs and install garden decking for you. Why not give us a call and a dedicated member of our team can give talk you through your options. We can’t wait to hear from you!