Making the most of your garden this winter

If you thought that once winter approached it was time to set down your tools and leave the garden till spring, you couldn’t be more wrong. There’s always something you can be doing to keep your garden in good condition, so that when spring comes there’s less to do. 

There’s plenty to keep you busy as we’ve already mentioned, such as pruning, soil prep, repairs to both the landscape of your garden and to general gardening tools and equipment, garden furniture as well as fencing and wooden garden decking. There’re repairs to be done following serious weather conditions such as storms or excessive rain, naturally after the bad weather has subsided, and of course the obligatory weeding. 


If you have wooden fencing and decking there’ll be the usual repairs from last year and any you need to do presently throughout the winter months following bad weather. And of course you have to treat them, preferably before bad weather sets in, so they survive the rain and all that moisture. You’ll need your fencing to be pretty robust over the winter months, so any repairs are worth doing now to strengthen them and make them sturdy enough to withstand the wind, rain and snow that winter will inevitably bring. 

Wooden accessories, garden decking and fencing.

Garden decking can also be treated, debris removed and brushed before leaving it for the winter. You could also either remove any furniture on it or treat any wooden pieces you’re leaving out there. Again, any repairs to your decking should be done now and then you can keep on top of it throughout the winter. Jump on any repairs you see needed after a storm, do it now and don’t leave it till spring.

Weeds, plants, and cutting back.

Plants can be cut back, and any dead ones cut away to allow room for the healthy ones to flourish. Then remove the weeds and make sure you place them somewhere where they can be used as compost or placed in the bin for collection specifically for garden waste. Don’t leave them in another part of the garden where they can take root. 

Leaves, debris, pruning.

Leaves will have fallen from any trees from either your garden or next doors. Remove them now and also any plants you no longer want. We’ve already mentioned pruning them back and once you’ve cleared some space, you’ll have a better view of what else is going on in the back of your garden to see if there’s anything else that needs doing.

Lawns – keep it simple.

Your lawn can be mowed just the once and then left for the winter, of course a general tidy up is always welcome and this can amount to little more than removing any debris and other times such as anything that’s blown from trees and bushes, either from your own garden or from neighbouring ones. 

Seasonal prune.

In late autumn winter, some plants will need pruning, so they avoid damage in the bad weather. Some may need pruning even when dormant, and they can be really difficult to prune when they’re in full foliage so it’s a perfect time to do it. By pruning and cutting back you help make way for new shoots in the warmer months.

Lothian Decking and Fencing. – the garden experts.

We hope you found this useful. We’re always here to help. We know how hard it can be managing your garden and making sure it survives what winter is likely to throw at it. We’re experts in garden decking and garden fencing too, so if you have any questions on these topics or if you need to purchase some and you’re unsure as to what’s right for your garden, get in touch. We can also advise on all landscaping issues as we come with a lot of experience with a team of experienced experts. Give us a call.